Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Marvin Makes His Move!

In which Marvin, following a divine doughnut crumb trail makes a bold step in a romantic heterosexual adventure.
this is an audio post - click to play


At 10:00 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Joe, I spoke with Marvin about this and first of all he said to tell you that he says hi and has been praying for you.

He then told me that is fine if you share his song with your listeners. He wants to remind you that the glory, as always, goes to God.

He also launched into a tirade of sorts about the recent lack of comments and worries that people have gotten offended by his committment to preach the Gospel. I assured him that people are busy and as far as I know no one is offended (surprisingly enough).

He then asked me what he should wear for his date on Sunday. I told him I am not the kind of gay guy who gives fashion advice but that whatever he wears I am sure will look adorable on him.

He then told me he would pray for me and got quickly got off the phone.
Ah Marvin!

At 10:47 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

yeah Joe, I'll tell him and I am sure he is still weirded out by you mentioning him to some sort of false queer quaker deity. Ah, don't you just love tribal religions.

At 11:17 AM , Blogger ken said...

I'm really glad for Marvin that he's got a date. I'm quite concerned about the jelly doughnut rather than the glazed ring doughnut thing. Remind him it's like Gideon asking The Lord to damp the fleece but The Lord soaking it in Olive Oil instead...

Take care.
love K3n.

p.s. Please excuse the colourisation of this post by its UK English spelling.

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Willie Hewes said...

Jelly donuts, glazed donuts, hmm... something going on there. It must be a message.

I don't think anyone's offended by Marvin preaching the gospels, but that a lot of us just don't know what to say to it. OK, you love Jesus. Um... good for you! See the game last night?

About the date, Marvin, I hope it goes really well and that you feel comfortable with each other and can build a friendship without any pressure.

Good luck Marv!

At 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Marvin--
So touched you're thinking of us--I'm okay.


PS: Regular doughnuts have nothing in the middle. Jelly doughnuts have a filling. Soon is filled with the Holy Spirit, don't you get it?


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